COVID-19 Updates
Last Updated February 3rd, 2021
Please revisit this page for updates to our operations during this challenging time. Information on this page supersedes any other info on our site!
Thank you for checking in! We're happy to be able to keep sending you your favourite vegan foods and items!
Currently it appears UPS and FedEx are operating normally, but please note about Canada Post that's still on-going, and affects some areas that may have selected Canada Post "Expedited" in the past:
IMPORTANT: Sept 16th Canada Post Update: We've been alerted that ALL Canada Post deliveries will be an 'extra day', beginning Sept 21st. This means a Canada Post delivery that normally takes 1 day, will now be 2 days. Or one that normally is 3 days is now 4 days - this is reflected in the shipping time estimate on the Checkout page (so 3 days means 3 days). Please select shipping accordingly, for all refrigerated orders UPS or FedEx may be your best option at this time, hopefully this is temporary.GENERAL INFORMATION: Here is our latest information relating to online orders and our retail stores:
Online Orders: Canada Post, FedEx and UPS are operating, although shipping guarantees no longer apply, so can't promise shipping times, and there have been unexpected delays in a number of areas - for refrigerated orders please select faster shipping than usual, aiming for 1-2 days total to accommodate potential delays with carriers.
*For example, if normally UPS Expedited is selected, please chose UPS Saver or higher. Or if Canada Post Expedited is normally sufficient, please choose Canada Post Xpresspost. If there are delays, the higher priority packages will be delivered sooner.*
Please see below for US & International orders.
-> The Meet In Yaletown Pick-Up option is currently suspended.
-> The Surrey Pick-Up during regular store hours.
-> The Chinatown store Pick-Up during regular store hours. - Chinatown Store: we're back to our 'regular' hours, Mon-Fri 10-7, Sat-Sun 10-6, with safety restrictions such as requiring mask wearing and 6 visitors allowed in the store at a time, respect social distancing, and more details at the store.
- Surrey Store: is open, Mon-Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 11-5, a limit of 3 visitors at once, masks are required, please avoid cash, respect social distancing, and more details at the store.
- Online US & International Orders: if ordering non-refrigerated items, please be aware long delays are possible. If ordering refrigerated items, delays are very possible, and with shipping guarantees suspended, we have no protection in the event of delays. We STRONGLY recommend selecting UPS Express, and in order to send these orders, please reply to the Order Confirmation email and state that you'll be willing to accept all risk and liability in the event of delays. At this time, as a small business, we can't take on this risk, apologies for the inconvenience.
Thanks for reviewing our latest news, again we'll update this page if anything changes.
Be safe out there!
- The Vegan Supply Team