About Butler Foods
Butler Foods is located in Oregon and is an independent, family owned business. They were privileged to live in Africa for years and assisted in small scale sustainable organic gardening, reforestation, and community health.
In seeking to alleviate starvation and famine, they came to the conclusion that a natural, whole foods, plant-based diet is the answer for health, peace, and for feeding the world.
Their products are plant-based and animal-free. Their number one product, Butler Soy Curls™ are an all natural alternative to meat that are heart healthy, delicious and easy to prepare. They contain only one ingredient: certified non-GMO whole soybeans, grown without chemical pesticides in the United States. They are a good source of plant protein and fiber and take on the flavour of whatever you cook them with!

Rehydrate the soy curls by soaking them for 10 minutes in water or vegetable stock then drain excess liquid.

Place in a skillet and add seasoning or sauce of your choice. Heat on medium and stir until lightly browned. They really take on any flavouring you add to it!

Enjoy Soy Curls hot off the stove or add them to a soup, salad, stir fry, burrito, sandwich, or pizza; the possibilities are endless!
Butler Soy Curls (227g)
Butler Soy Curls™ are an all natural alternative to meat that are heart healthy, delicious and easy to use.
Soy Curls™ make: Great Fajitas, Scrumptious Sandwiches, Sizzling Stir Fry, Heartwarming Soups, Salads, Mouth watering casseroles, Barbeque and so many other dishes!
Soy Curls can be stored in a cool dry place and will keep till the best by date on the package. Butler's suggest that the Soy Curls be kept in a refrigerator or freezer where they will keep for 12+ months.
Ingredients: Soy Curls are made from select, certified non-GMO, whole soybeans (Soy), grown without chemical pesticides.
Best meat substitute to get creative with! When I first got introduced to soy curls about a year ago (can't believe it took me that long to hear of it), I was blown away! It's so easy to find recipes that uses soy curls and all of them are delicious!! Soy curls all the way! (Butler Foods Soy Curls)
Delicious, versatile, shelf stable and the perfect texture for a meat substitute. The low price compared to other vegan proteins is amazing as well! The shipping was super quick as well. (Butler Foods Soy Curls)
Excellent! These are no fail delicious, so easy to use. They do take a few steps but so worth it. I use them to make Butter Chicken and shawarma mostly. One tip is to keep the dry curls in the fridge. They can get stale tasting if left in the cupboard. (Butler Foods Soy Curls)
It's a staple in my kitchen whenever I remember to buy these! I'll definitely consider a bulk purchase next time. (Butler Foods Soy Curls)
We love these. This is our second time purchasing the big box of soy curls from Vegan Supply. Delivery is quick and everything is well packed. The soy curls are great! (Butler Foods Bulk Soy Curls)
Best deal on a great product. These are delicious and this is the best price I've found on them. Very versatile and I love that there's only one ingredient. (Butler Foods Bulk Soy Curls)
New staple. This product is genius - one ingredient with the more incredible texture and versatility. A little goes a long way, they expand quite a lot once the hot liquid is absorbed. It is so simple to add whatever flavours you want, and they cook up quickly after marinating. A vegan staple. Store them in the freezer :) (Butler Foods Bulk Soy Curls)
Love these things. Soy curls have been seriously life-changing for me. They're the only vegan meat substitute I've found yet whose texture I don't loathe, so they've made it possible for me to cut back more on meat than I ever have managed before. And while I wish I could get them from somewhere a little closer to me (Nova Scotia), I love being able to buy a giant box of them that lasts me a good long time and minimizes the plastic packaging. (Butler Foods Bulk Soy Curls)
Excellent product. Have done spaghetti sauce and crumbles in a burrito. Fantastic. I did not presoak the crumbs for the spaghetti sauce and in my opinion better than presoaking in water version I tried earlier. (Butler Foods Fine Soy Curl Crumbs (TVP Alternative))
Fantastic! Easy to cook and incorporate into my diet. Price point is ridiculously good. (Butler Foods Fine Soy Curl Crumbs (TVP Alternative))
I love, love, love, LOVE these! I have tried my fair share of vegan jerky, because I'm always on the hunt for great snacks to bring along on busy days. Butler Sam's Harvest Jerky is hands down my new favourite. The texture is perfectly chewy but not too tough, and the flavour is remarkably jerky-esk. (Butler Sam's Harvest Jerky)
Best vegan jerky. This is my favourite vegan jerky I've ever tried! I don't even know how many bags I've gone through now. The texture is great. (Butler Sam's Harvest Jerky)
Tasty and Great with Soy Curls! Love using this on soy curls! Such a nice vegan "chicken" flavouring! (Butler Chik-Style Seasoning)
Great! This seasoning is delicious! Goes great with the soy curls, but you can use it on anything! Definitely recommend. (Butler Chik-Style Seasoning)