July Monthly Review Giveaway Program!

We're giving away a $50.00 prize package every month with the prize changing monthly so stay tuned. For the month of July, we'll be giving one lucky winner 6 bags of Butler Soy Curls worth $44.94. The prize will be shipped out to the winner and is restricted to North America. If the winner is outside of North America, we will send a gift card for the value of the goods!
To be entered to win, simply write a review on your recent items purchased. The more reviews left, the more chances there are to win.
Thanks for choosing Vegan Supply, happy writing, and good luck!
Leah Kirin said:
I LOVE to use Butler Soy Curls. As a nutritionist, I recommend them to all of my clients and VeganSupply.ca has the best pricing in Canada. I am in Ontario and it is always worth it to purchase here. Shipping is always great and the package is delivered quickly without any damage. Highly recommend you try them if you have not!! They are SOOO versatile!!!